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Covishield Causes Heart Attack? Myth or Fact?


Author:- Mr. Ritesh Sharma

With the recent admission of AstraZenecka that the vaccine created by them, i.e. covisheild causes TTS, there have been concern about people. People have been wondering whether is covishield safe or not. Furthermore, there is much more to this report than what meets the eye. There have been many claims that with the side effects of covishield, there are also dangers of heart attack. So, this posits a question worth contemplating. Does covishield cause heart attack? And if so, how do we safeguard us against it. 

In this blog, we will examine the side effects of covishield and decipher whether it causes a heart attack or not. So, if you have taken covisheild second dose and are wondering about its side effects and and other adverse effect, you will get educated through this blog.

Is Covishield Safe?

In times of COVID-19, vaccines like covishield came as a boon for people. These vaccines safeguarded people against corona virus. However, with AstraZenecka making an appalling admission about the side effects of covishield, peope tend to think whether is covieshield safe or not. The answer to this question is more nuanced than you think, so let’s get into that. 

Covishield underwent rigorous clinical trials to assess both its efficacy in preventing COVID-19 and its safety profile. These trials involved thousands of participants from diverse demographic backgrounds, allowing researchers to evaluate the vaccine’s performance and identify any potential side effects. The results of these trials demonstrated Covishield’s effectiveness in reducing the risk of severe illness and hospitalization due to COVID-19.

However, despite its overall safety, Covishield has been associated with rare adverse events, most notably TTS. Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome is a rare but serious condition characterized by blood clots and low platelet counts, which can potentially lead to severe complications. While the incidence of TTS following Covishield vaccination is extremely low, healthcare authorities and regulatory agencies have closely monitored and investigated reported cases to better understand this phenomenon.

So, in conclusion, while covishield is not completely safe, its benefits definitely outweigh its rare side effects. If you have taken the covishield 2nd dose, you would see the symptoms of TTS within a few weeks. Therefore, if you have been fine, there are high chances that you won’t be affected by the side effects now. However, if you experience any heart-related issues, then you can identify them through an abnormal ECG on being tested. 

Does Covishield Cause Heart Attack?

Now, comes the big question- does covishield cause a attack? It’s been a while since majority of people took to covishield second dose. Therefore, the side effects of covisheild vaccine, will most probably wont’ show now. Nevertheless, there are still slim chances of you experiencing some rate side effects covieshield vaccine. As we mentioned earlier, the side effects of covishield vaccine involve TTS. 

TTS causes blood clots in brain and elsewhere. And it does withouth saying that blood clots in blood vessels and cause cluttering there. This cluttering in the coronary arteries can lead to blockages which in turn can cause a heart attack. But, hold up. There is no conclusive evidence to support this claim. 

Side Effects of Covishield

While Covishield has been associated with rare adverse events, such as Thrombosis with Thrombocytopenia Syndrome (TTS), there is limited evidence linking it directly to heart attacks.  Reports of cardiovascular events following vaccination have prompted investigations to determine any causal relationship between Covishield and heart-related complications.

Healthcare authorities and regulatory agencies continuously monitor vaccine safety through surveillance systems and post-marketing studies. Expert panels analyze reported adverse events to assess potential risks and benefits associated with vaccination. To date, there is no conclusive evidence establishing a causal link between Covishield and heart attacks.

Not only heart attacks, but there is no evidence for TTS to cause any heart probblems, such as heart palpitations and cardiac arrhythmias of different arrhythmia classifications. So, it is important to not jump into any conclusions ourselves yet. 

While questions regarding Covishield and heart attacks have surfaced, current evidence does not support a definitive causal relationship between the vaccine and cardiovascular complications. Continued surveillance, research, and transparent communication are crucial in addressing concerns and ensuring public confidence in vaccination programs. If you experience any side effects of covieshield vaccine related to heart, it is essential to consult a healthcare professional promptly and get worthy advice and if required a treatment. 


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